
Math Retesting

First Retest – No Charge!

  • There is a minimum two week wait period between the original test date and the retest.
  • There is no charge for the 1st retest.
  • Students who wish to test before the 2 weeks must get a referral from an Advisor/Chair/Dean.

Second Retest

  • There is a 30 day wait period between the 1st retest and 2nd retest.
  • It is recommended that a student meet with an Advisor to discuss before requesting 2nd retest.
  • Student must pay $5 to the Business Office for each section of the test, up to maximum of $15 for the Reading, Essay, and Math.
  • The student must bring proof of payment before they can be re-tested.

After the 2nd retest, there is a three-year waiting period to test again.

Preparing for Retesting

Please visit the Camden County College website at for links to sample tests, videos, etc. to help you prepare.

CollegeBoard has an interactive Accuplacer practice site at: The CollegeBoard site will require you to create a free account and features practice tests in Reading and Math. For Writeplacer Essay and ESL Tests, please visit the Camden County College link above. The Accuplacer site includes:

  • “Learn as you go” tests provide you with explanation of the correct or incorrect responses.
  • You can save your work at any time, and come back when it’s convenient for you.
  • You can review your score history to see what you’re already doing well and what skills you should focus on improving.

Did you place into an Academic Skills Math class (MTH 011, MTH 016, MTH 029, MTH 035)?

To improve your math skills before you retest, you can use EdReady. EdReady is a free online tool that assesses your math level and provides you with customized learning materials. This program is self-paced. It can take several weeks to complete the program, based on your current math skills and the amount of time you spend working in EdReady.

To get started in EdReady, go to:

  1. Under New User, select “Sign Up”, and fill out your information
  2. Use your email to activate your EdReady account
  3. One you have logged in, select “Common Placement Exams” and then “Go To Goal”
  4. Scroll down to the bottom of the page, and under “General Math Placement Test Prep”, select “Start Diagnostic”

Complete the diagnostic, which will set up a customized online “course” for you. This course will include basic math, algebra and higher-level math topics. Do the topics in order, and complete as many as you can.

Reading/Writing Retesting

First Retest

  • There is a minimum two week wait period between the original test date and the retest.
  • Students must bring a completed copy of the Accuplacer Sample Test with Reading questions answered and/or a written sample essay before they can be re-tested.
  • There is no charge for the 1st retest.
  • Students who wish to test before the 2 weeks must get a referral from an Advisor/Chair/Dean.

Second Retest

  • There is a 30 day wait period between the 1st retest and 2nd retest.
  • The student must meet with an Advisor for a referral for the 2nd retest.
  • If the student is granted permission to test again, the student must pay $5 to the Business Office for each section of the test, up to a maximum of $10 for the Reading and Writing.
  • The student must bring the referral form, proof of payment, and a completed copy of the Accuplacer Sample Test with Reading questions answered and/or a written sample essay before they can be re-tested


Please contact the Testing Center at or (856) 227-7200, ext. 4710